viprawords: Intraday view of Aviation and Pharma- today: Why do we need to perennially follow the US market, from last one month Indian Markets are taking cues from US market only. There was h...
I have always heard that It's option writer,who always wins in market and particularly on day of Expiry and genuinely ,if he chooses a sensible range of ATM(In the money call option)& ATM may be some other Smart Buyer as well( at the money call option),90% of time I have won myself and i have seen people winning with this strategy. Of late, on 21st May only i have captured a data, where i have seen Nifty was hovering around 9104 at 9:29 AM. And at the same time we have following figures to be watch for also. 1) 9100 call was at premium of 33.55 2) 9000 call was at premium of 107 3)9100 put was at premium of 34.10 4) 9200 put was at premium of 105.90 Now carefully think what would have happened to BUYERS of these call and put option on day of expiry that is on 21st of may. There may be few of other smart option Buyers as well ,who might have bought call and put of same strike price with almost equal premium. ...
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